Advanced PRP- Growth factor Concentrate Therapy

Growth Factor Concentrate therapy (GFC) is a novel treatment launched recently at GRACE clinic for better treatment of patients with hair loss and to rejuvenate skin. It is an advanced form of PRP to achieve better results in the patients. This therapy is a step ahead of the normal PRP therapy.

How is GFC therapy different from PRP? 

Growth Factor concentrate Therapy is pure, safe and highly concentrated growth factor concoction prepared from patients’ own blood.
• In this therapy rather than giving platelets, high concentration of patients’ own growth factors are extracted from platelets is given.
• GFC is pure, completely acellular, autologous and safe.
• GFC is injected directly into the scalp or skin and your own growth factors are delivered in high concentration.
 • Platelet activating solution is used to activate platelet & to release various GFs from α Granules
• Platelets are activated prior to centrifugation(in Vitro)- ensures no platelet loss & all platelets release GFs from α Granules

Procedure followed
Step 1: Collection of blood – Patients’ blood is collected in GFC tubes.
Step 2: Activation of platelet and release of growth factors – Gently the blood is mixed and tubes are allowed to stand for 30 minutes. This activates and releases all growth factors like PDGF, VEGF, EGF & IGF-1 from α-granules in platelets.
Step 3: Separation of GFC– Centrifugation is done at 3400 rpm for 10 minutes.
Step 4: Collection of GFC-It is done by inverting the tube. Above 6-8 ml is collected.
Step 5: Application– GFC collected is now ready to be used on desired area.

Treatment Protocol 

GFC therapy consists of 3 sessions which are done at interval of one month. One GFC kit is usable for only one sitting of one patient. Advantages of GFC therapy
1) No platelet wastage during and the procedure and high concentration of growth factors are extracted.
2) Completely acelluar and reduced risk of pain and inflammation.
3) Serum extracted by the procedure has excellent stability for 8 hours at room temperature.
4) Simple procedure with little risk of any complication.
5) No risk of contamination. Indications for the procedure

GFC mostly used to treat

1) Androgenic alopecia: Patients with pattern baldness show excellent results in response to the GFC therapy irrespective of their sex.
2) Telogen effluvium: Therapy helps in reducing hair fall considerably.
3) Skin Rejuvenation: GFC therapy rejuvenates skin overall by renewing the skin texture and elasticity along with enhanced skin tightening and lightening skin tone.
4) Melasma & Acne sars: The procedure helps in reducing melasma and acne scars with help of skin rejuvenation and proliferation of growth factors in the injected area.

Growth Factors and its Functions: 

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF):
• Synthesis of extracellular matrix and hyaluronan Production
• Increases hair growth
• Vascularization & Angiogenesis stimulator
• Mitognenesis of mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells
• Proliferation and chemotaxis of fibroblasts

Transforming growth factors (TGF):
• Hair-cell proliferation and regeneration
• Mitogenous effect on other GF
• Keratinocyte stimulation
• Angiogenesis
• Proliferation of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF):
• Expressed in DP cells in the anagen phase of hair
• Probably regulates perifollicular angiogenesis in hair
• Increases perifollicular vessel size during the anagen growth phase of hair
• Angiogenesis & Cell proliferation.

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF):
• Increases hair growth by inducing the anagen phase of HF
• Promotes DP cell proliferation
• Increases the HF size (noted in preclinical studies)
• Fibroblast chemotaxis

Epidermal growth factor (EGF):
• Hair-cell proliferation and regeneration
• Stimulates mitogenesis of mesenchymal & epithelial cells
• Proliferation and differentiation of epidermic cells
• Co-stimulates angiogenesis

Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1):
• Increases hair growth
• Maintains HF growth in vitro
• Angiogenesis stimulator


Who is the ideal candidate for GFC?
Anyone in their early or late stage of hair loss or alopecia is a candidate. Also one with moderate or severe hair fall can go for GFC.

How long does the results of GFC last?
The results last for a longer amount of time as GFC needs to be repeated after a year or 6 months to maintain the hair growth effects

When should be the next session done?

Ideally, a gap of 4-6 weeks should be kept between 2 sessions. and the entire set can be repeated after 6 -12 months.

What are the restrictions after GFC?
There are no activity restrictions after GFC therapy. you may shampoo, shower, condition your hair normally several hours after the treatment, and resume normal day and athletic activities soon after.

What are possible side-effects of GFC therapy?
Since GFC is pure and does not contain any RBCs and WBC’s i.e unwanted cells, the risk of pain and inflammation is minimal. The reactions are generally injection-related and have a mild to moderate impact which usually resolves in 48 hours.

When can one see visible difference?
Visible and remarkable results are seen in 3-6 months span.

What is the duration of the session?
60 mins.

Any homecare or medication needed?
For best results, medicated hair serums for overnight use and supplements of protein, calcium, and iron are needed.

Does it hurt?
Not really, however topical numbing cream /ice pack is applied to minimize the pain factor.

Your name and other details are highly confidential and is only accessible to Dr Sheetal Londhe Monteiro.

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