Common Questions About Breast Augmentation In Pune And Their Answers

Are you a thin petite girl? Have you always been bullied because of your lean figure and absence of feminine features? Your flat chest makes you feel embarrassed and low in confidence? Cheer up! This is no more a problem. Are you a thin petite girl? Have you always been bullied because of your lean figure and absence of feminine features? Your flat chest makes you feel embarrassed and low in confidence? Cheer up! This is no more a problem.
A few years back, breasts were a taboo. None of us was willing to even talk about it. Moreover, it started becoming dangerous when many cases of breast cancer became fatal because of delayed diagnosis and treatment.
However, breasts are now an acceptable female body part, and women are encouraged to talk about them.
Similarly, in the past, if you were unhappy with your breast size and shape, you had to spend your life with them. Many cosmetic procedures were introduced, but they were considered for celebrities and models. But today the times have changed.
Nowadays, cosmetic surgery is so accessible that any layman can get a breast correction done. But still, due to the lack of enough knowledge about breast augmentation or implants, many questions arise in our mind when deciding to get them done. We’re here to answer all such queries so that you make the right decision;

Will Breast Augmentation Increase My Risk Of Breast Cancer?

No, not actually. Many studies have shown that none of silicone or saline breast implants pose any breast cancer risk. In fact, breast cancer is less common among women with breast implants as per observation. Indeed, this is due to their physique, that they are lean and have less development in the breast. But what should really concern you is that an implant might affect the diagnosis of developing breast cancer.
Every woman above 40 years of age is said to get a regular mammogram. Here, a breast implant can reduce its clarity of view. Moreover, it will not let breast to flatten, which is done for a mammogram. 

Should I Wait Until I Am Done Having Children To Have Augmentation?

It is a very common concern of women seeking augmentation. Most of you will be suggested to get it done after you have done having babies. But what if you want it now? What if low self-esteem and body image are making it difficult for you to find a partner? Or you want a boost in your personality and confidence before you develop relations with your partner?

The good news is that very few women report any problem with their implants post-pregnancy. You will need to get a corrective procedure only if you experience a lot of change in your breasts during pregnancy. So why wait? Just get it today.

Will Augmentation Work For Me If I Feel My Breasts Are Sagging?

Augmentation works well when you want to change the size of your breasts. If your breast is losing shape, also you can combine a breast lift surgery with augmentation. Moreover, augmentation does not reposition your nipples and areola.

Will My Nipple Sensation Or Feeling Change?

Well, it is common that you’ll experience some change in your nipple sensation. They can become more or less sensitive. Gladly, it is temporary and will return to normal in a few months after surgery.

When Can I Return To Work?

Most of us will not get any paid leaves for cosmetic surgery. So, it concerns that after how many days you can return to work? Many of you will be able to return to work after a week. But ill suggest that you do not rush and let your body heal completely for effective results and minimum complications.
Furthermore, the recovery time for breast augmentation depends upon following factors;
• Whether you had a single augmentation or a combined surgery like augmentation with breast lift surgery
• How deep in the tissue are your implants placed?
• What is the nature of your job? As jobs requiring more physical stress cannot be resumed instantly

How Much Pain Can I Expect?

Breast augmentation is major surgery and is performed under general anesthesia. Thus, everything happens when you are sound asleep, and you’ll feel no pain at all. Once the anesthesia fades away, you’ll feel some pain, swelling, and soreness in your breasts for a few weeks.
Your surgeon will recommend pain killers to ease your pain.

Will The New Implants Affect My Physical Functioning, Can I Lift Heavy Objects?

Once you have completely healed, you are perfectly fit to perform any physical task. You just need to be careful in the first few weeks. No physical activity for the first 1-2 weeks and not lifting heavy objects for the first six months will give you enough time to recover.

Can I Breastfeed After Augmentation?

Many of us will get worried about breastfeeding our children after breast augmentation. Relax ladies; it is perfectly normal. Breast augmentation surgery poses no risk to the milk-producing glands and ducts of the breast tissue.
What’s more? The incisions are made at the breast crease, and implants are placed behind the glandular tissue. So, you can breastfeed without any concerns. Adding to it, the silicone implants do not leak in milk.

Pricing – How Much Do Breast Implants In Pune Cost?

Notably, the breast implant is a recognized surgical procedure in Pune. Moreover, the cost of a breast implant may vary according to the size or the procedure that you opt for. The cost of Breast implants in Pune is like other surgical procedures. Roughly, it can cost you from 80k to 1.75lac.

Furthermore, it can also vary if you choose to have two procedures done with your breasts for example with breast lifting you also go for breast augmentation or reduction.

About Us:

Are you looking to get your breast lift surgery done correctly? Let Dr. Sheetal Londhe Monteiro do this, who goes the extra mile to satisfy every single patient of her fully.

With having years of experience in cosmetic surgery and after performing hundreds of successful breast lift surgeries, she will not disappoint you.

She makes use of cutting-edge technology as well as up-to-the-minute surgery tools, in particular, the advanced instruments. This is how she gets in the bag maximum client satisfaction.

So, let your dream of having those perky and lifted boobs come true by coming in contact with us today. Get to know about our client’s feedback for a better idea.

Above all, always choose a proficient cosmetic surgeon e.g., Dr. Sheetal Londhe Monteiro to yield maximum results. 

Your name and other details are highly confidential and is only accessible to Dr Sheetal Londhe Monteiro.

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