How Much Time Does A Droopy Loose Skin Take To Reduce After A Tummy Tuck?

Are you missing your sleek appearance just as you once had before pregnancy? Do you also suffer from loose and flabby skin as a result of excessive weight loss? Do you want that toned and smooth figure back? Then the ultimate solution for you is getting a tummy tuck.

This procedure is fairly simple and aims to tone your body by removing excess skin. It also tightens those loose abdominal muscles. It gives instant results which can be retained through healthy diet and exercise. Let’s get to know more about it here;

Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty

It is also known as abdominoplasty which targets the removal of that stubborn excess fat around the abdomen area. This gives a flat look to your stomach.

Notably, it is a much sought out procedure by every age group. Such as if you want to go for a tummy tuck to get a mommy makeover or to deal with obesity or even old age. This is an excellent option for you.

Undoubtedly, post-pregnancy fat is quite stubborn and almost impossible to remove through traditional methods e.g., dieting and exercising. Mothers tend to look for an easy and immediate solution rather than putting themselves through strenuous workouts.

Fortunately, a tummy tuck is a quick procedure that allows you to reach your body goals and attain the ideal body image that you only dreamed of. It also treats:

•Sagging skin as a result of aging
•Diastasis recti
•Abdominal stretch marks
•Mommy pooch
•Ventral hernia
•Hanging skin

Your surgeon will choose from three types of tummy tucks:

Full tummy tuck or classic tummy tuck addresses issues specifically in the upper and lower abdomen.
➼An extended tummy tuck addresses issues in the abdomen, hips, and upper thighs.
➼While a Mini tuck resolves issues below the belly button, commonly known as “pooch”. 

Recovery time

Now that you have decided to go under the needle, the next question in your mind would be how long will it take to see the final results? We have good news regarding that.

Tummy tuck procedures show immediate results and change but you need to take it slow for a few weeks. The entire procedure usually takes about two to three hours.

What’s more? Your surgeon will give you general anesthesia, in order to, carry out the tummy tuck procedure. He may also give you antibiotics to reduce any risk of infection. Before the surgery, he will mark the area from which he will remove fat.

Adding more to this, it is an outpatient procedure that means you will be allowed to go home the same day if everything goes smoothly. It normally takes about 8 weeks to resume your daily routine activities. Generally, the recovery time depends upon the following factors:

•Type of the procedure
•Age of the patient
•Health history
•Postsurgical care


Your surgeon will also recommend you move around a little to prevent the development of blood clots. But you will have to avoid any movement for a few weeks that may cause staining on the wounds. He may also prescribe you blood-thinning medicines.

•In the initial days, it will be wise to ask someone for help around the house. Your doctor will limit your mobility in the first few days but that is only to give your body time to heal faster.
•You may expect bruising, soreness, and swelling which will resolve in the first week.
•Your surgeon will allow you to resume certain light physical activities such as driving after 1-2 weeks. However, you will need to refrain from lifting weight or bending for a month.
•After the recovery, it will take time for the scar to completely fade away. You can ask your surgeon to prescribe you an ointment or cream that will reduce its appearance much faster. 

Useful tips

A healthy lifestyle goes a long way. There are certain tips that you can follow which will increase your recovery process and present better results.

•Increase intake of protein
•Increase intake of complex carbohydrates (found in legumes, whole grains, oats, etc.)
•Avoid fats and junk foods
•Avoid foods that have a high sodium content
•Yogurt, soups, and broths are recommended for intake in the initial days after the surgery
•Alcohol and caffeine intake should be avoided at all cost
•Engage in mild exercise daily
•Always keep in touch with your doctor and follow his instructions
•It is extremely important that you ask every little detail e.g., what normal day activities you can perform? How long to avoid sun exposure on the incisions? When to drive or which foods to avoid? Climbing stairs, etc.

Your doctor will probably prescribe some medications that will help you in easing the pain. Be sure to follow his instructions as the follow-ups play a crucial role in a successful recovery.

Almost all doctors prescribe a laxative after any surgery. It helps remove any sort of discomfort or pressure in the abdomen area. You also need to adhere to any sort of exhausting task. 

The Takeaway

Keeping a positive attitude also goes a long way. Stress and anxiety create inflammation in the body, so it is definitely not ideal for the recovery process. Relaxing and staying positive will speed up your recovery.

It will also improve your sleeping quality giving you more time to heal. You will need eight or more hours of peaceful undisturbed sleep. Also, don’t rush your healing process. Being impatient can also trigger stress or anxiety. Therefore, just sit back and relax and let your body heal naturally at its own pace.

Above all, always choose a proficient cosmetic surgeon e.g., Dr. Sheetal Londhe Monteiro to yield maximum results. 

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