by board certified Cosmetic surgeon.

Lip augmentation is a simple procedure that can give you fuller, smoother lips, but there are many myths regarding the process. Following are a few things you should know if you are considering lip augmentation through dermal filler injections.

The Basics About Dermal Filler Injections

Hyaluronic acid fillers offer temporary lip enhancement. Common products used for this procedure include the Juvederm and Restylane brands. Depending on the product, these dermal filler injections can boost lip volume, enhance lip shape, and smooth vertical lines.

The results can last from four months to one year, with an average of about six months. To maintain the results, treatments must be repeated periodically.

Patients should look for a board-certified cosmetic surgeon to complete the treatments, and they should beware of obtaining such treatments from other sources. Highly trained professionals can enhance your natural smile while making your lips and the area around your lips smoother. It is a misconception that lip augmentation looks unnatural. In experienced hands, lips will appear natural and appropriate for your facial structure.

It is also possible to treat the vertical lip lines and add structure to the lips for the mature patient who does not want a change in the size or shape of the lip.

Following are a few other facts you may want to know about lip augmentation through dermal filler injections:
•Treatments take less than a half hour.
•The amount of filler that is used for your procedure can be modified as needed for the most natural and most desirable appearance.
•You should be able to see results immediately.
•Side effects are usually minor and include temporary swelling, bruising, or redness at the site. If there is any swelling, it usually only lasts a few days. You can decrease the effects by sleeping with an extra pillow to keep your head elevated.
•As long as the treatment is performed by a qualified provider, serious complications are extremely rare.

Hyaluronic acid fillers stimulate collagen production so there will be permanent, lasting collagen production from each treatment.

Prevention Tips

While many people who request lip augmentation through dermal filler injections do so for personal preference, others take advantage of the option in order to fill wrinkles and reverse the signs of aging.

Following are other ways to prevent signs of aging on your lips and overall skin.
•Apply moisturizer with SPF protection daily.
•Wear an SPF lip balm daily, and reapply regularly throughout the day. The skin on your lips is thin and vulnerable, so your lips need the added protection.
•Use sun protection when you’re planning to spend time outdoors. You should use sunscreen with broad spectrum protection that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. It should also be SPF 30 or higher and water resistant. •Remember that the effects of the sun are potent in the winter as well, so don’t neglect your skin during the cold months.
•Avoid repetitive facial expressions as might occur with gum chewing or using straws. If you do so, the lines that are created may become permanent.
•Don’t smoke.
•Avoid tanning beds.

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