What to Do If You Have Had a Bad Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is an incredibly popular cosmetic surgery treatment that targets one of the areas of the body that causes us to feel most self-conscious – the abdomen. Tummy tuck surgery can be carried out for many reasons, but it is most commonly seen following significant weight loss or after a patient has had a baby when they want to see excess skin and fat removed and be rewarded with a smoother, tighter, and flatter stomach.

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures currently performed by plastic surgeons around the world. It must be clear at the outset that liposuction is not primarily a modality for weight loss, it is meant to be a body contouring procedure and therefore the inherent limitations and safety issues related to this must always be respected if complications and unfavourable results are to be avoided as far as possible, no more than 8% of body weight to be liposuctioned. Liposuction must be approached as a body contouring procedure and not as a weight loss technique.

There are countless surgeons that offer tummy tuck procedures. However, not all surgeons have the same level of competency and experience, and in rare cases, this can lead to a bad tummy tuck.

Any immediate solutions?

External ultrasound or lymphatic drainage massages may assist in uniform removal of swelling and ensure smooth contours. If needed

What are the signs of a bad tummy tuck?

The following are some of the most common signs of a bad tummy tuck:
You are unhappy with the shape of your abdomen
A great tummy tuck should leave you with smoother, slimmer abdominal contours. However, in a bad tummy tuck, patients may find that their post-surgical silhouette is not what they desired. Uneven shapes and lopsided contours are common complaints. Some patients experience unnatural fullness in the upper abdomen, which typically occurs as the result of an imbalance in skin tension following surgery. In such cases, you may need revision surgery to correct the issues and help you to achieve the smooth, tight contours that you hoped for.

You are unhappy with the position or look of your navel
In most instances, a surgeon will need to reposition your navel following your tummy tuck procedure. If this is done poorly, it can have an impact on the overall appearance of your new abdomen. Some of the issues that a patient may experience with their navel include:
- It being positioned too high
- It is positioned too low
- It is lopsided
- The navel is too shallow or misshapen
Fortunately, navel revision can usually be carried out without the need for a secondary abdominoplasty.

The scar is too high
Discretion is everything when it comes to cosmetic surgery. Ideally, tummy tuck incisions should be low enough to be able to be hidden by underwear. Whilst most surgeons will do everything that they can to minimize scarring, a less skilled one may leave you with an incision that is too high and therefore very obvious. If you are unhappy with the placement or appearance of your scar, a tummy tuck revision may be able to address this issue.

What can I do if I have had a bad tummy tuck?

If you believe you have had a bad tummy tuck and you are unhappy with the appearance of your new abdomen, you may wish to consider tummy tuck revision surgery. As its name suggests, it is a secondary procedure carried out with the aim of addressing any concerns that you have with your post-surgical appearance and helping you to realize your true goals.

There are many cosmetic surgeons who specialize in revision surgeries. They understand what can go wrong in a bad tummy tuck and know how to make the necessary changes to eliminate the unsatisfactory effects and enable you to achieve the look you desire.

How can I avoid a bad tummy tuck?

Patients should be keen to avoid any bad experiences irrespective of the type of surgery that they choose. You can avoid a bad tummy tuck by taking extra special care when selecting the surgeon that you wish to carry out the procedure. Research them thoroughly, checking their credentials and experience. Look at their reviews and when you visit them, ask to see examples of their work and real client testimonials. Any good cosmetic surgeon will be happy to show off their skills in this way.

Another way to avoid a bad tummy tuck is to take responsibility for the preparation for and recovery after your procedure. Your surgeon will give you some very specific instructions to follow, and it is imperative that you do exactly what is asked of you. This is because adhering to the instructions will minimize your risk of complications and make a positive outcome more likely. They could include guidance on giving up smoking, stopping specific medications, abstaining from alcohol, and advice on how long you will need to take off from work following your procedure.

For more information on tummy tuck revision surgery, don’t hesitate to speak to Dr.Sheetal asap.

How Likely Are Contour Irregularities After Liposuction?

Dimpling and waviness of the skin after liposuction — a complication also known as contour irregularity — is thankfully a rare occurrence when the procedure is performed by a skilled plastic surgeon.
Contour irregularities arise when a surgeon removes too much fat from one area at the expense of another, or when excess fluid collects in a vulnerable area.
Ideally, the plastic surgeon will identify the problem during the liposuction procedure and correct it then and there, but sometimes it doesn’t manifest itself until several days after the surgery.
The likelihood and severity of the problem will depend on a range of factors that you and your surgeon will need to consider prior to, and following the procedure.

Here’s what you need to know about this issue, and what can be done to avoid it.

The collection of serous fluid in a liposuctioned area may be due to excessive tissue trauma, following aggressive oversuctioning of a single area with extensive breaking of the fibrous tissue network leading to a single cavity formation or it may be due to significant damage to the lymphatics.4

A thorough pre-operative evaluation consisting of complete blood count with platelets, liver function tests and coagulation profile goes a long way in preventing haematoma formation.It is also recommended that patients must stop smoking and medications such as aspirin, clopidogrel, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin E, glucosamine, chondroitin, ginseng and ginkgobiloba at least 7 days before surgery

The occurrence of infection after liposuction is fortunately very rare and various authors report incidence of lesser than 1%.The most common local cause of such infection is the presence of a haematoma in the subcutaneous tissues with secondary bacterial contamination.The most common systemic cause of infection is uncontrolled or poorly controlled diabetes. 

Liposuction is a tool for body sculpting and it demands a 3D artistic understanding of the anatomical and surgical adipose layers. It requires practical application of scientific knowledge with artistry as well as precision, a skill that is attained only with clinical experience. Over-correction means excess fat has been liposuctioned, more than the desired contour line.

Under-correction of a contour implies leaving behind excess residual fat in parts of the liposuctioned area. In my experience, we have encountered this problem in 5.3% cases, all of which were in the first half of our series. The areas commonly involved were-arms (just proximal to the elbow and immediately adjacent to the lipo-access incision), flanks [F, peri-umbilical region, trochanteric region and supra-patellar region.

Surface irregularities
Post-liposuction surface irregularities or waviness could be due to: Too superficial or too much liposuction ,Fibrosis with adhesions , Inappropriate compression garment or posture ,Redundant skin.
Post-liposuction irregularities may be in the form of dimples, grooves, wrinkles or folds. External ultrasound or lymphatic drainage massages may assist in uniform removal of swelling and ensure smooth contours.

Skin laxity
Skin in certain areas is especially prone to the development of redundancy or laxity after liposuction. This may be due to the amount of fat removed as well as lack of complete or optimum skin retraction.

Skin hyperpigmentation
Skin hyperpigmentation following liposuction may be due to several factors such as: Hemosiderin deposition from ecchymosis , Excessive pressure from compression garments , Friction and shear at the incision site , Sun exposure , 
Exogenous drugs e.g., intramuscular iron therapy, contraceptive pills, minocycline etc.
Therefore, post-operatively the compression garment should be checked regularly, effective sun screen must be used and unnecessary sun exposure should be avoided.

Addressing irregularities during surgery
An experienced plastic surgeon will be able to deal with any unexpected challenges or problems that could arise while you are on the operating table.
For example, in the event that he or she encounters a stubborn deformity, they should be able to sculpt or manipulate the fat to smooth out a lump, or add volume to fill a depression. Your surgeon’s improvisational skills will to a large extent pre-empt having to undergo future corrective surgery.
Since lumps and depressions are normal and usually heal within a few weeks, your plastic surgeon will address only the most noticeable contour irregularities.

Addressing irregularities after surgery
It can happen that you leave your surgeon’s office confident that everything has gone according to plan, only to discover issues and irregularities during the convalescence period.
If, however unlikely, your contour irregularities get worse or don’t properly heal in the days and weeks following your procedure, inform your surgeon.
If there are grounds for you to be unhappy with the results you might require corrective reverse liposuction, but most surgeons will oblige you to wait at least six months, just in case the matter resolves on its own.
During this waiting period it’s natural to become impatient for the results you want, which is why, in the spirit of self-help, it’s important to continue to follow your exercise, rest and eating regimen. Both your look and self-esteem will benefit as you become part of the healing process.

Using compression garments
After surgery, there are several things you can do to speed up the recovery process.
Wearing compression garments will help to reduce fluid retention, bruising and swelling. By exerting even pressure over the area, it will enhance your circulation and help maintain your new shape.
The garments are tailored to fit the area of the body that is healing and are typically worn from between one and four weeks.

Above all, always choose a proficient cosmetic surgeon e.g., Dr. Sheetal Londhe Monteiro to yield maximum results. 

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